Shinjikki, upcoming South Korean drama tv series directed by Choi Jeong-min, and Park Chae-woon. The series written by Park Chae-woon, will release in 2022 (5 episodes).
Shinjikki (2022)
The story of saving islanders who are on the verge of losing their lives from mermaid hunters in Guyaguk, while Yoo-jin, who was once a naval general but exiled to the island and became captain of a fishing boat, and Shinjikki, a mermaid who sees the future, share a fateful love set against the backdrop of Geomundo Island during the Mahan confederacy.
Oyyo is a Thai entrepreneur. Doing business in the wholesale of flowers. She likes to write articles in a variety of genres. She was a university professor before and used to work in the field of writing books.