Anime 2021, DAKAICHI – I’m Being harassed by the sexiest man of the year – the Movie in Spain, an anime film adapting the Spai Arc for Hashigo Sakurabi’s Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu manga.
The movie released on October 9, 2021.
DAKAICHI - I'm Being harassed by the sexiest man of the year - the Movie in Spain (2021)
Takato Saijyo has reigned as the idol industry’s “Most Handsome” for five years — that is, until freshman actor Junta Azumaya comes along.
Takato was always considered brusque, while Azumaya’s smile wins over admirers in comparison.
The whole fiasco drives Takuto to overindulge in alcohol, and his actions catch the attention of the last person he wants to see.
To his surprise, Azumaya uses this new info to blackmail Takuto for physical affection.
Oyyo is a Thai entrepreneur. Doing business in the wholesale of flowers. She likes to write articles in a variety of genres. She was a university professor before and used to work in the field of writing books.
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