Rugal, a South Korean drama tv series directed by Kang Cheol-woo, written by Do Hyun-I. The series based on the webtoon of the same name by Rel.mae, released on March 28 to May 17, 2020 (16 episodes) on OCN platform. The series available on Netflix.
Rugal (2020)
“Rugal” is a human action hero drama about a former elite police officer who ends up losing not only his beloved wife, but also his eyes, and is accused of being a murderer. The drama follows his fight against criminal organizations after he obtains artificial eyes with special abilities crafted by the biotechnology organization ‘Rugal’.
Oyyo is a Thai entrepreneur. Doing business in the wholesale of flowers. She likes to write articles in a variety of genres. She was a university professor before and used to work in the field of writing books.