The Legend of Heroes Sen no Kiseki Northern War, anime series 2023
The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki Northern War, an upcoming anime series adaptation of Nihon Falcom’s The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Eiyu Densetsu Sen no Keseki) game series. The anime directed by Hidekazu Sato (Masterpiece: Aquarion Logos, Last Hope), produced by Tatsunoko Production.
The Legend of Heoes: Sen no Kiseki Northern War
The original game series depicted the story of Rean Schwarzer in the military academy in the Erebonian Empire, but the anime will have a story that centers on the western part of the Zemurian continent based on the games.
Oyyo is a Thai entrepreneur. Doing business in the wholesale of flowers. She likes to write articles in a variety of genres. She was a university professor before and used to work in the field of writing books.